Sunday, October 7, 2012

Kinley Turns Four {Tear...Sniffle}

Kinley turned four today.  Seriously, where does the time go?  We had a super fun weekend celebrating my beautiful girl.  Yesterday was her birthday party.  We had lots of friend and family here to celebrate.  Burgers, chips and dip, cake and ice cream, running, screaming kids.....tons of fun!  Kinley had a blast and that's what it's all about, right?


The kids were SO excited for cake!

When we woke up this morning we grabbed Griffin and walked into Kinley's room singing Happy Birthday.  She was excited and was feeling pretty special.  We walked downstairs and there was her bicycle.  She was over the moon excited.  So cute.

We let her ride it around the house a bit then decided it was time to get ready for church.  I actually gave Kinley the choice of staying home or going to church and she chose church. :)
Had to take a few pics before we left.

Griffin put his arm around Kinley first.  So cute and very much out of character for him.
Love this one of my cheesy boy.

After church we let Kinley take her bike down the driveway and to the street.  She was grinning from ear to ear!  And whoops....I forgot the helmet.  Yeah, I never wore one when I was a kid....
After nap we opened her smaller gifts and she was so sweet and thankful.  She kept saying, "Thank you!  Thank you so much!"

She can't wait for the new Tinkerbell movie to come out.  I let her watch the trailer just about every day.  I knew these dolls would be a hit.
I love my Kinley Grace so much.  She is silly, beautiful, sweet, funny, kind, sensitive, and just perfect.
Counting my blessings.


  1. She is soooo adorable!! Her smile just melts my heart!! Happy birthday big girl:)

  2. She is SO CUTE!!! Happy Birthday Kinley!!!

  3. I love your kids! Seriously, I've never met them, or you as a matter of fact, but you can tell what kind of parents kids have, and your adorable kiddos have the most awesome parents! Kinley is growing into one special little girl. And Grif, well, he's in an adorable class all his own! Happy birthday to the most precious girl, I've never met! Keep up the good work mom! <3 :)
