Saturday, March 17, 2012

First Soccer Game

Kinley's first soccer game was today and it was a success.  Everyone had a great time, including Kinley, and we won.  We waited a while for the game to start and I thought Kinley was going to quit before we even started but once her team gathered and Coach Earle got them going, she was ready to roll.

Kinley hustled, was energetic, and the smile never left her face.  She chatted with the fans on the opposite side of the field and they were kind and cheered and clapped for her.  She stole the ball once and just had tons of fun.  It was an awesome time!

Let's do this!

Huddle up!

That smile never left her face.

Go, Kinley!  Go!!!

Chatting with Daddy.

Yep.  That just happened.

Kick it, Cale!

Lining up...waiting for the ball.

Do more.  Be more.

I'm so, SO proud of my girl.


  1. April, they have to some of the cutest photos ever!!! Go Kinley:)

  2. OMG how cute is she running around that field in her cute little uniform! I love it! Go Kinley go!! :) Seriously, so adorable! Wish I could see the real thing too! :) You should be proud of that little sweetie!
