Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What We've Been Doing

Can I just say....I'm exhausted.  For the past week, we've been working on our little project every single day.  In the heat.  Sometimes all day long.  But it was worth it.  Blake and I only argued twice and the kids were a BIG help. :)  I call that a success.  Here it is in pictures.

Delivery day.  Yup, he's wearing a Dora helmet.

Four boxes at 160 lbs each.  And that was just the wooden parts.

One of our "helpers".

Weather conditions.

More help.

He did this all on his own.  He's come so far.

Kinley took this picture and it makes me smile.

Another pic by Kinley.  Blake's face says it all.

We thought this was the half way point.  Not even close.

A little closer to half.....

Monkey bars are up and the monkeys are swinging!

I think the swings are the favorite.

The slide was the very last thing to go on.


Swings, glider, rock wall, and crow's nest with telescope.

Monkey bars, picnic table (my favorite part), slide, and play house.


  1. THAT THING IS AWESOME! WTG B and A! Well done! Congrats on completing it and surviving. hehehe Seriously though, those kids are truly adorable! Love the pictures as always! :) Makes me wanna move there and come play! (ahem, and bring the kids!)

  2. Y'all are so brave to put that together! The kids will love it for many years!!!! I need to look for a little "bike" like Griffin's. Karen Lim graciously gave us an old tricycle, but Beau's legs can't quite reach the pedals. It looks like Griffin's is the perfect size for pint-sized toddlers! :)
